“People have to change, directions have to change, values have to change.  Otherwise… there is no mercy in Nature, none, no mercy.  Nature has none, there’s only law, only rule.  If you don’t abide the rule, you suffer the result… no habeas corpus here.  It’s what you do and how you live.”

Chief Oren Lyons, 2007 address to the UN on climate change

We have both followed the spiritual path throughout our lives.  We have tried to distil some of what we found along the way in our various writings, talks and ceremonies. But we came together, quite late in our lives, at a time of unfolding planetary emergency: the combination of global heating and ecological breakdown due to humanity’s unsustainable demands upon the Earth.  We have been reflecting on the spiritual and moral implications of this immense crisis for humanity ever since. We are deeply conscious of our limitations in this respect, for only indigenous leaders of communities still living - or trying to live - in balance with Nature are able to speak of this global emergency with authentic spiritual power and authority.

In recent years we have been nourished by the immense reservoir of soul wisdom to be found in the yogic tradition of India. We owe a profound debt of gratitude to the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, in particular, and under our guru's guidance we are reflecting deeply on the huge crisis humanity is facing. For at this time, as our species contemplates the real possibility of extinction, we are all being asked to go beyond our physical, mental and ego-centred identity into soul consciousness.

You will find on these pages reflections by Nicholas on the soul and the coming changes, while in her astrological and soul counsel work Philippa is helping clients to determine their soul path of dharma or right action.

   Philippa Glasson offers one to one sessions in Vedic astrology and soul counsel, in person, by phone, or on Skype. A passionate environmentalist, Philippa has followed the spiritual path since her early twenties. She has a deep devotion to the Divine Mother, and yoga and meditation are central to her spiritual practice.

   Philippa obtained a D. Phil. (Doctor in Philosophy) in Comparative Renaissance Literature.  She was a Fellow of a Cambridge college for sixteen years, where she directed studies in English Literature. She published widely on Shakespeare, feminist thought, and postmodern philosophy and spirituality, co-editing a study of contemporary culture and religion, ‘Shadow of Spirit: Postmodernism and Religion.’ With her husband Nicholas she co-authored ‘Avalon’s Red & White Springs,’ and ‘The Star Temple of Avalon.’

        Click here to visit Philippa's astrology page.

        Click here to visit her soul counsel page.


Philippa Glasson


   Nicholas’ life turned around with the discovery of the practices of hatha and raja yoga while imprisoned in Turkey en route to India in 1973.  He has a B.A. (Hons.) degree in Ancient History & Social Anthropology from University College London.  He is an author, historian and archaeo-astronomer whose books include 'Avebury Cosmos,' ‘The Isle of Avalon,’ ‘The Sacred Geometry of Washington DC,’ ‘Glastonbury Tor’ and 'Sedona: Sacred Earth.'

     Click here to visit Nicholas's soul book page.

     Click here to visit his Coming Changes page.